Murrin Bridge, 2019-2023
Preschool and Community Centre in Murrin Bridge, NSW (Australia).

Research Team: Guillermo Fernández-Abascal, Urtzi Grau, Jack Cooper, Louisa King, Saskia Schut, Campbell Drake, Allan Peale, Andrew Daly, Jack Cooper, and Eduard Fernàndez.

Photography: Hamish McIntosh
Published on: Architecture AU, afasia.

Informed by a series of design consultation workshops with the community, the proposal calls for the retention of the existing Murrin Bridge Preschool (established in in 1991) and the addition of two new pavilion buildings, which will be arranged around a triangular courtyard. The intervention will expand the existing school to accommodate up to 40 children aged 3 to 5 years and 12 staff. It will also recover public services recently relocated to the larger town of Lake Cargelligo (including health services and land council offices), and relocate the Regional Enterprise Development Institute and Centrelink offices currently based in a derelict building nearby.