
Nameless Models, 2023
Exhibition at Casa de la Arquitectura
Madrid, Spain

Organization: Ministerio de Transportes, Mobilidad y Agenda Urbana.

Curatorial team: Marina Povedano, Arnau Pascual, Laura Solsona i Eduard Fernàndez

The model has been considered as a fundamental exploration tool for architecture. Due to the inherent limitation of two-dimensional representation in drawings, as well as the need to anticipate the construction of the project, we could say that historically, the model has been a device capable of generating images. Currently, this function has been taken over by new image technologies and rendering programs. Images allow for a representation closer to reality with a lower consumption of resources, both human and material, which has cast doubt on the need to produce models or, at the very least, a reduction in their use in architectural practice.

However, despite computer advances, models provide something that images cannot: a physical, immersive experience with the architectural space without intermediaries. Furthermore, they have become a curatorial element. Not coincidentally, today we encounter large models representing space at uncommon scales. We observe models with high-definition interiors and furniture finishes, as well as models that delve into the tectonics of the building. As if they were architectural prototypes of the future building, construction rehearsals, or "mock-ups."

The exhibition was an integral part of the 1st Young Architecture Biennial of Catalonia and presented a collection of models from architectural pratices in Barcelona founded in the last 10 years. The exhibition travelled to Madrid for the opening of the new cultural centre La Casa de la Arquitectura.

Participants: Adrià Escolano + David Steegmann, Agència Material, AMOO, Aramé Studio, Assut, Atienza Maure, Bajet Giramé + Nil Brullet, Bonell+Dòriga, Cierto Estudio, h3o architects, ida, MACH, Metrònom Arquitectura, Marta Peinado + María Beni

Photography: Jose Hevia